As a social enterprise, our focus is improving social and environmental sustainability for our clients. In order to do this, we provide the following services:

  • STRATEGIC PLANNING:  The vision and steps you require to meet your development needs, such as strategic foresight, problem analysis, stakeholder engagement, strategy formulation, results and resource planning, organizational design & change management.
  • SCIENCE DIPLOMACY: The analysis to underpin negotiations on climate change, disaster risk reduction, biodiversity & ecosystems.
  • PROJECT MANAGEMENT: The skills and tools to keep your projects on track with user-centered design, concept development, fund design, project and grant formulation, implementation support, reviews & evaluations.
  • FACILITATION: The expertise to help build alliances through advocacy, negotiations training, keynote speeches, workshop & conference facilitation.
  • PARTNERSHIPS & AWARENESS: We help increase visibility of projects through partnering, resource mobilization strategies, communication, awareness & brand visibility.


deforestation, palm oil, climate change, tropical forest

We assist stakeholders realize their development aspirations by connecting them with innovative solutions through strategy, planning, innovation, science, and partnerships. We advance development thinking in an inclusive and responsible manner to advance the SDGs and turn global goals into local action.


In 2015 world leaders agreed to an ambitious development agenda characterized by 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). To end poverty, fight inequality and combat climate change requires a new approach to development planning, innovation, scientific insights, and partnerships.
Different actors need to collaborate to achieve the new development agenda. Businesses undertake investments, the public sector sets incentives, and civil society instills values for sustainable development. By bringing these stakeholders together, Global Goals Consulting is leading thought-provoking discussions that produce innovative development thinking.

gender equality, innovation, inequality, learning
circular economy, waste, sustainable production and consumption
Global Goals Consulting, Global Goals Political Consulting, GGC
Patrick Tiefenbacher, Global Goals Consulting, Executive Director, UNDP, UNEP




Executive Director

Patrick offers 20 years of experience in development effectiveness and strategic planning. A recognized RBM expert, Patrick chaired the UN Strategic Planning Network, and managed UNDP’s development effectiveness team. He also led the secretariats of the Global Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation and the International Aid Transparency Initiative

Patrick holds a Master of International Affairs from Columbia University and a Magister of Philosophy (Political Science and Chemistry) from Universität Wien. He has been a certified PRINCE2 Practitioner (level 2) since 2005 and speaks English, German and French.